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The film „Death of a Psychiatrist. Eugenics and totalitarianism” is now available for viewing

The film „Death of a Psychiatrist. Eugenics and totalitarianism” is now available for viewing

The Museum of Polish History and the Saint Nicolas Foundation announces the release of a new documentary film

(Dr. Karol Mikulski with his daughter, Izabela)

Twenty thousand mentally and physically handicapped people, Polish citizens, were murdered in Poland under the Occupation in the name of Nazi racial hygiene. Among the victims were the Polish and Jewish doctors who looked after them. The film tells the story of Dr. Karol Mikulski (1901-1940), a psychiatrist and chief doctor of the psychiatric hospital in Gostynin who committed suicide on March 18th, 1940 to protest against the murder of his patients planned by the Nazi occupants. After the war, the Polish writer Stanisław Lem wrote a novel about him. It was his first novel, and it was called „ Hospital of Transfiguration”. The film „Death of a Psychiatrist” is based on an interview with daughter of Mikulski – Dr. Izabella Galicka.


English version:

German version:


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